Discovering the key figures and activities in Italy is much less difficult than one might think. Telling their stories instils courage and a sense of pride, at the same time giving hope that know-how will be passed on over time. Passion, technological research and development, tenacity, trade care.
These are the primary values of I BIAGI, extraordinary testimony of the innovation and experimentation introduced by the Tuscan craftsmanship in 50 years of history, that for three generations has put its signature on precious finishes, unique and exclusive objects. Since 1957, when it was just producing metal components in Pescia, near Pistoia (where the headquarters is located to this day), it has been transformed and it has grown with determination. Today the company remains focused on growing, fully conscious that past and future come together in a common destiny.
The I BIAGI collections, esteemed and for the most part exported abroad, stand out for their attention to detail, the finishings, and the particulars that enrich each product, making it unique. This uniqueness is a result of the knowledge and skill of the expert artisans who sign each piece, always creating an original and exclusive combination of bronze elements and handmade crystal decorations. Today, I BIAGI has reached the third generation, working with all kinds of precious materials.
But that’s not all. It has made available all its knowledge to develop innovative production solutions and experiment with new kinds of processing that, with Tuscan pride and the exceptional enthusiasm of the younger generation at its core, have already become a part of the production, facilitating the company’s growth. With attention to details and quality, Franco, Carlo, and Edoardo Biagi work personally with designers to continually develop innovative products that before being placed on the market undergo rigorous quality testing to exclude the presence of defects and to guarantee customers a product that, in addition to being beautiful, must also be functional and durable over time.
The I BIAGI collections and accessories interpret the value of detail, elegance, and exclusivity of museum artworks, and extend the same sophistication to exclusive residences. Dedicated to those who love glamorous yet classic style, the I BIAGI collections offer a wide variety of objects completely made by hand. In addition, I BIAGI provides its customers with technical and artistic skills, helping them to develop personalised projects to turn the house of their dreams into reality.
AMBIENTE 2025: HALL 12.1 - STAND C47
Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Ai sensi dell'art. 1, comma 125-bis, della Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, in ottemperanza all'obbligo di trasparenza, si segnala che sono state ricevute sovvenzioni contributi, incarichi retribuiti e comunque vantaggi economici di qualunque genere da pubbliche amministrazioni.
Secondo il criterio di cassa abbiamo avuto nell'esercizio 2021 quanto segue:
-Nessun contributo specifico COVID 19;
-Finanziamento SIMEST contratto nel 2021 a tasso agevolato fondo 394 i cui importi agevolati sono in regime temporary framework e pubblicati in RNA a cui si rimanda;
-Incasso contributi conto esercizio euro 10.000 bando TEM (Temporary Export Manager) DM MAECI;
-Incasso bando SIMEST Fiere Internazionali per euro 6.340;
-Ottenimento di credito di imposta interventi di efficienza energetica articolo 14 DL 04 giugno 2013 numero 63, vistati e certificati, in euro 82.636, non oggetto di utilizzo né di incasso, avvenuto per cessione nel 2022, il quale tuttavia è una agevolazione fiscale di carattere generale e non un aiuto di stato;
-Nel 2021 è stato utilizzato in compensazione per un terzo dell'ammontare (euro 791) il credito di imposta ricerca e sviluppo di euro 2.373 sorto in relazione all'esercizio 2020 e ampiamente rendicontato nella nota integrativa del precedente esercizio.